
Thursday, March 21, 2019

Elevator pitch

Elevator Pitch
What is Greatness?

Choose a person that you consider is great.  Concisely in 30 sec - 90 SEC minutes discuss why you believe this person is great.

What to include:
Russell Westbrook
An introduction of the person you will talk about. Use a ‘hook’ to get people interested.
On the  12 November 1988 Russell Westbrook was born Russell Westbrook was born and raised in Long beach,California . Russell Westbrook was educated at Leuzinger high school and the University of California . In 2008 at the age of 20 Russell Westbrook was drafted to the NBA and he played for the Seattle supersonics. And then In 2008 the sonics changed names to the Oklahoma city thunder ever since Russell has been playing for Okc
How was/is this person great and what they have contributed to society i.e. service, leadership, accomplishments, talents.
Russell is a good person because he is so committed to playing Basketball if his team is he will get them back up and running on the court he even came back from a knee injury and the saw no sign of rust in performance  he played the same for 2 games after coming back from a knee injury!.
What qualities did this person display that has lead to them being great? i.e. empathetic,  humble etc.
 He is very inspiring because he is always playing his best and is always committed to the NBA and doesn’t give up to me that is inspiration.
How has this person shown greatness in ways others haven’t? What has lead to them standing out?
To me he is a great person because he is inspirational to many people around because of his playing style,athleticm and because he never loses courage in his team and even if they have a heavy lose he is always there to say something inspiring.      
Why do you personally think this person has displayed greatness?  
I think Russell Westbrook show greatness when he is on the court encourage teammates to have a go and encourages kids and adults around the world to play basketball and he hopes to see some young ones in the NBA.
Strong close/tag line - leave us with something memorable to think about i.e. quote, question….
  • Want to convince us to why this person is great.
               Quote by Russell

There's no reason to hold yourself back and say you can't do something in life unless you go for it and try to do it.
  • You are clear and convincing.
  • Concise - don’t ramble, get your main points across.
  • You are engaging.

Share/link your planning document onto your PBL rubric.

Film yourself on Flipgrid.

Have you ever done a Elevator pitch?
Who would you do?

Swimming sports

On the 15th of February we had Swimming sports at Swimming we competed in Freestyle,Breaststroke,Butterfly and Backstroke you had the choice of what style you wanted
to do and you could choose from swimming 50m,25m and Width I chose to do 25m Freestyle and Backstroke and so did a few friends .

And also that day everyone in the school was competing in races if you came
1st,2nd or 3rd in the 50m race you would go to zones and if you do great in that centrals and so on.
 Some of my friends made it to zones.

Does your school have Swimming?
Do you like swimming?
Are You good at Swimming?

Touch Rugby and also some Questions

On a Wednesday we go to the mighty McFarlane park to play the mighty game of touch.
At touch we play against other schools or teams that have been created by players parents.
,But when touch is cancelled I feel sad because I really love to play touch because it is one of my favourite sports or anything that contains a ball I like. I call my team the mighty mighty vipers cause our team are made of really good players that show great sportsmanship and are always nice to people and have great personality.

For touch we wear singlets that say St Francis and I also play for two teams they both are really great teams. And I am part of the twinkle toes because I am one of the best steppers in my team and I am one of the quickest.

Some questions for you?
Do you play touch and who do you play for?
Are you good at Stepping?
Are you Fast at running?

Virtues Blog

Loyalty this is if someone ask you to do a job you do it but you do some extra and you never
let that person down.
Faith many people think that faith is when you take a leap of faith but it isn't that because it's when you
believe in good
and you have faith in him and sometimes you have the greatest day

Honesty This is when you kill someone or someone says something to you and you
say something nasty back you apologise for your actions
and go to confirmation and tell the priest what you did and be honest.

My summary about Fair chocolate

Fair Chocolate-Renata Hopkins
This book is based upon Ewan the chocolate maker.
This books explains what fair-trade means and the it shows the
steps of chocolate.
Chocolate supplies is mostly from Africa or Dominican republic.

Ewans warehouse full of chocolate increased the price of there chocolate by 60%.
All of the fair-trade companies were made in a huge factory.

Ewan Cameron made a the first fair-trade company in 1973 in the Christchurch suburb of Sydenham.The aim of Ewans business was to make heaps of money. Ewan said he agrees it is good to get what you want for the cheapest prices ,but he also wants to make money.

Ewans team investigated to see how much it would cost to buy the warehouse for Ewans Chocolate factory. Until 2012 Ewans chocolate was made in a Huge factory

Friday, March 15, 2019


What is Banqer, Banqer is a fun app for children to use and learn things like Kiwi saver so that when they go to high school to learn about it they would have a bit of knowledge.
And when you finish school and move on to the big world you have the idea what your Kiwi saver is and what income is.

Banqer in my option is a great app to learn about money saving and job finding you even have to write a CV about what you are good at what you would like to do for your job and see if the job would fit you and you have to get interviewed at our school to see if you are worthy enough for the job that you would like.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Biography about Stephen Hawking

  Stephen Hawking
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Stephen Hawking was born on the 8th of January 1942 in Oxford, England.
His family moved to Oxford from London to escape the v2 rockets flying over
London. He had three siblings Lucy Hawking,Robert Hawking and Timothy
Hawking. He lived from 1942-2018, he died at the age of 76. Sadly, when
Stephen was 21 years of age he was diagnosed with motor neuron disease and
he was told he only had 2 years to live. His disease affects the brain cells that
communicate with the muscles overtime he suffers to walk,talk and he even needed
help to swallow. Stephen Hawking was one of the smartest scientists in the world.

His scientific works included a collaboration with Roger Penrose

on gravitational singularity theorems in the framework of general relativity and the
theoretical prediction that black holes emit radiation, often called Hawking radiation.

Awards received
Professor Stephen Hawking has thirteen honorary degrees. He was awarded CBE
(1982), Companion of Honour (1989) and the Presidential Medal of Freedom (2009).
He is the recipient of many awards, medals and prizes like like Fundamental Physics
prize (2013), Copley Medal (2006) and the Wolf Foundation prize (1988).

Movies starring Stephen Hawking
A brief history of time(1991)
Beyond the horizon(2005)

Professor Stephen Hawking worked on the basic laws which govern the universe.
With Roger Penrose he showed that Einstein's general theory of relativity implied
space and time would have a beginning in the Big Bang and an end in black holes

What he died of
Lou Gehrig's disease

Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.

Life would be tragic if it weren't funny.
I have noticed even people who claim everything is predestined, and that
we can do nothing to change it, look before they cross the road.

He write the following books
A brief history of time(1998),Brief answers to big questions,The Grand design,
The theory Everything,My brief history

How much He is worth
He is worth approximately

He earned the some following awards Presidential Medal of Freedom,wolf
prize of physics,Wolf Prize in Physics,Copley medal and the Einstein Award
and a whole lot others

Stephen Hawking and his friends built a computer out of old clock parts
And also mad Telephones,Switchboards and other recycled items.

Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein have the exact same IQ Score of 160.

Stephen Hawking grew up in a house where education was very Important
and his parents were both academics who studied at Oxford University